New analysis of Poland’s digital potential

Polen450Top of Digital Europe has a Polish sister! The think tank “Think Tank Digital TTCpl” is a platform for

  • Analysis and debate on the development of digitization of the Polish economy
  • Dialogue between the ICT industry and policy makers

The think tank is founded by Microsoft, Facebook, Poczta Polska, UPC and Dirlango.

On 24 February BDF/ Top of Digital Europe was invited by Microsoft Poland to an exclusive launch of the latest report presented by Polityka Insight: “Digitisation of Polish Economy – it’s time to accelerate”. The report analyses the level of digitization of Polish economy. The report analyses the digital strengths and potentials of Poland in a European benchmark perspective and presents recommendations for actions necessary to fully embrace the potential of digitization in building the competitiveness of Polish economy.

Several observations in the report support and complement the analysis in the latest reports from “Top of Digital Europe” about the great Polish potential in the context of a regional digital single market: “The actual impact and contribution that Poland can bring to a larger digital market will be very important” (State of the Digital Region 2015)

The Polish report can be accessed here (in Polish)